Keith Seiffert

Keith Seiffert CPA, CFE


After graduating from Southeast Missouri State University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, specializing in accounting, Keith began his notable career by obtaining both the CPA and CFE accreditations. He has over 10 years of accounting experience in both auditing and forensic accounting. Keith has extensive experience in detailed financial analytics and comprehensive tracing and vouching of general ledger amounts.

Keith’s forensic accounting experience includes insurance, corporate, and legal matters. Within the insurance industry, he has worked on matters involving the property, liability and financial policies, which includes services such as loss of business income and extra expense, employee dishonesty / fraud investigations, inventory and contents reconstruction, and economic loss in injury and death.

Keith has been involved in the preparation of expert accounting evidence for use in arbitration, mediation, and trial as well as consultation services for other litigious issues. He has provided expert witness testimony in deposition. Some legal matters in which Keith has been involved includes lost profits, fraud investigations, financial condition analyses, economic loss in injury and death, and other financial damages calculations. Also, Keith has been involved in the preparation of educational materials and has provided presentations on forensic accounting topics to clients, colleagues, and students.